Rejseforsikring Annual Travel Insurance

Rejseforsikringen dækker bl.a.:

   * Rejser op til 60 dage som standard, og kan forlænges
   * Sygdom og tilskadekomst
   * Hjemtransport

Læs mere om dækningsmuligheder her.

Skal du have akut hjælp på rejsen, kan du kontakte Tryg Alarm hele døgnet på +45 44 68 82 00

Skader kan meldes via Min Side.

Tryg Rejseskade kan kontaktes via +45 44 20 26 77
Who is covered by the insurance?
The insurance covers the policyholder and his or her household - i.e. spouse/partner/co-residents (up to a total of three co-residents) and children plus permanently-resident assistants in the household. It is not necessary that everyone in the household is on the policy in order to be covered, you just need to have the same registered address. People outside the insured person's household are also insured when the insured person is traveling alone.


What does the insurance cover?
The insurance covers, among other things, repatriation due to illness/injury, treatment by doctor/hospitalization due to illness and injury (only for world cover, and if the destination is not in EU and EEA countries), delayed baggage, ruined travel days, recall home, call-out and replacement travel (travel guarantee).

Skiing holidays:
The insurance also covers on skiing holidays.

The insurance covers trips of up to 60 days. It covers all members of the household, whether you travel together or separately.

You can choose an insurance policy for the EU and EEA countries or for the whole world.