Vejhjælp Roadside Assistance

Who do I contact if I need roadside assistance?
If you need assistance, please contact Tryg Roadside Assistance 70 11 20 00.

Tryg Roadside Assistance
Provides assistance in the form of on-site help, towing of the car and onward transport of the driver and passengers in case of breakdown or accident in Denmark where the car cannot continue under its own power, as well as when the driver feels unwell, or experiences illness or injury while driving. Tryg Roadside Assistance also has a favourable replacement car scheme.

Extended Tryg Roadside Assistance
Provides assistance in the form of on-site help, towing of the car, and onward transport of the driver and passengers, possibly in the form of a taxi service, in case of breakdown or accident in Denmark where the car cannot continue under its own power, as well as when the driver feels unwell, or experiences illness or injury while driving. Extended Tryg Roadside Assistance includes hotel accommodation in case of breakdown or accident where the car cannot continue under its own power. Assistance is provided in Europe (red-card area), but only transport of the car to the nearest workshop and not towing free when it is stuck. You can choose an annual safety check of the car in a Tryg Roadside Assistance workshop, where a visual inspection of the brakes, tyres and treads, shock absorbers, steering, windshield, other glass and windscreen wipers will be carried out. Here you can also get help to change bulbs in lights, as well as filling of sprinkler fluid, antifreeze and oil. When the car needs to have a changeover from winter to summer tyres, this can also be done at the Tryg Roadside Assistance workshop. Extended Tryg Roadside Assistance comes with a favourable replacement car scheme.