Tilbud Quotations

* Du skal være medlem af IDA for, at kunne købe forsikringer i IDA
* Tilbud kan beregnes på vores forsikringsberegner.
* Din ægtefælle/samlever kan også tegne forsikringer i IDA

If you would like a quote for your insurance or need more insurance, such as for a new car, new house, etc., you can use our insurance calculator at www.idaforsikring.dk or contact us on 70 21 01 91

The quotation system on the website is the same system that we work with ourselves. This means that we need the same information if you contact us.

Buying new insurance
If you change car, you must obtain and accept an insurance quote, even though the car insurance is to have the same coverage and replace the current car insurance.


If you buy a new house, you must obtain and accept a quote for the new house insurance.

You can obtain a quote at www.idaforsikring.dk

Changing Company
If you want to change your insurance company, simply obtain and accept a quote and IDA Insurance will ensure that your insurance is transferred as required.


Note that there are two options for termination.

It does not cost anything to terminate insurance policies at the policy anniversary (the month in which you usually pay the annual premium). If you wish to terminate at short notice, there will be a fee to pay to your current company. If your policies have been in force for over a year, the fee is DKK 65 (Index 2011). If the policies have been in force for less than one year, you should contact your current insurance company and enquire about the fee. At short notice, the deadline for termination is the current month plus one month.