Tandforsikring Dental Insurance

Who can take out the insurance?
IDA Dental Insurance is for people between 18 and 70. The insurance is offered through a collaboration between IDA Insurance and Danish Dental Insurance.

What does the insurance cover?
Dental Insurance covers virtually all treatments at the dentist, for example, inspection, fillings and crowns, bridges, implants and periodontal disease.
However, it does not cover cosmetic treatments, or treatment of dental problems that arose before the insurance came into force.

How much does the insurance cover?
The insurance covers treatments of up to 30,000 DKK per year, and the only thing you have to pay is the first 3,000 DKK per year (excess).
In order to have insurance coverage, it is a requirement that you have attended your annual dental examination at least 2 years before taking out the insurance, and that you completed any necessary treatments that your dentist suggested. If you do not have 2 years of history in your dental records, you should get your dentist to complete a dental status form, and then we will decide to what extent you will now be covered by the insurance.