Indboforsikring Family-/Contents Insurance

* IDA TRYGhed (fx hvis din identitet bliver misbrugt) er inkluderet i
* Indboforsikring dækker også din ægtefælle der bor på plejehjem, 
   samt udeboende børn under 18 år, der bor alene.

Læs mere om Indboforsikringen på vores hjemmeside.

Who is covered by family insurance (contents)
The insurance covers the policyholder and his or her household - i.e. spouse/partner/co-residents (up to a total of three co-residents) and children plus permanently-resident assistants in the household. It is not necessary that everyone in the household is on the policy in order to be covered, you just need to have the same registered address.


What does the insurance cover?
The insurance basically covers burglary, theft, fire and water damage, and also includes liability and legal expenses cover.


Are bicycles covered by family insurance?
Yes, bicycles with a value up to 13,500 DKK (Index 2012) each are covered by family insurance. If you have a bike with a higher value you can increase the insurance so that expensive bikes are also covered. Bicycles must have an approved, permanently mounted lock in order to be covered against theft.


Fault and accident insurance
Fault cover covers malfunction of electrical appliances for 4 years from the first date of purchase. For example, if a three year old TV loses the picture.


Accident coverage covers other events that occur suddenly. For example, if the vacuum cleaner hits a flat-panel screen, which falls over and breaks.

Simply send a request in the contact form if you would like cover.

If you experience damage or theft, or have questions about a reported damage/theft, please contact our claims department on 44 20 61 14.